Review: GOLDEN SON (RED RISING #2) by Pierce Brown

Bewertung: 3.5 von 5.

Golden Son by Pierce Brown

18/25 (72%) 3.5 stars.
Booktube Review:…
I see why this one works for other people – it didn’t completely work for me because while it’s a huge improvement compared to Red Rising, it’s also a collection of all the plot devices I despise. There are far too many conveniences for me to enjoy this thing and Darrow is still an empty Gary Stu-shell par excellence whose plot armour is just as thick as that of Sevro and Mustang.


If you want a fast-paced, action-packed book, like ‚Here comes the cavalry!‘, and don’t care about a completely logical plot, then you’ll highly enjoy this one. If you prefer something a bit slower and more character-centered, with a careful buildup and a perfect plot, you’ll have issues. Characters and plot are very adult, some converations and plot devices feel more YA.
Dialogue 3
Setting 4
Characters 3
Writing Style 4
Plot 2

6 Kommentare zu „Review: GOLDEN SON (RED RISING #2) by Pierce Brown

  1. A huge improvement to Red Rising? 😳🤣 I’m going to have to disagree with you on that, since this is one of my most despised books of all time, but it’s nice to see you enjoyed it at least a bit more than I did. Though I must admit, I’m also not severely disappointed that this didn’t turn out to be a glowing review 😁😂😂

    Gefällt 1 Person

      1. Haha, I just got back from watching that and thoroughly enjoyed how it revived my hatred of this book 🤣 Does that make me a masochist? 🤔 Also, I think Morning Star is a tiny bit better (though not much 🙈), so if you want to go through further torture, feel free! I’d love to get another rant 😁

        Gefällt 1 Person

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