The Fall of Babel Review (The Books of Babel #4)

With this magnificent masterpiece of imagination Josiah Bancroft joins the pantheon of my favourite writers of all time. Every tiny weakness that the previous books had has been erased, more, turned out to be a strength after all because in this last installment of the Books of Babel, all of them are revealed to have served a great and brilliant purpose.

Review: RULE OF WOLVES (KING OF SCARS #2) by Leigh Bardugo

I’ve read it and the best I can say about it is that it’s finally over. This the biggest disappointment of my reading life. King of Scars was a step back down the ladder, Rule of Wolves was the equivalent of jumping into an abyss. Because the plot is a clusterfucking convenience that doesn’t make any sense at all – and because this whole book is basically a marketing skit for the adaptation.

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