Review: RULE OF WOLVES (KING OF SCARS #2) by Leigh Bardugo

Bewertung: 2 von 5.

12/25 (48%) 2 stars.
I’ve read it and the best I can say about it is that it’s finally over. This the biggest disappointment of my reading life. King of Scars was a step back down the ladder, Rule of Wolves was the equivalent of jumping into an abyss. Because the plot is a clusterfucking convenience that doesn’t make any sense at all – and because this whole book is basically a marketing skit for the adaptation.
Booktube Rant:…

Why do I say that? BECAUSE EVERYONE IS IN THE FUCKING BOOK! At some point, I wouldn’t have been surprised if Matthias had shown up. With Darlington and Alex Stern in tow, sipping coffee from Starbucks. This is The Fellowship of the Grishaverse, written so that all the dumbheads who are too lazy to reread Shadow and Bone & Six of Crows before running to Netflix need to read just a single book – this one. This book, that makes almost the entire plot of both the trilogy and the first duology… unnecessary. Everything that has been accomplished hasn’t been accomplished, everybody gets a ridiculous cameo, people can now break into and out of the Ice Court whenever they want – and the magic system has been completely abandoned. Now it’s just about introducing as many senseless twists as possible.

Never in my life has a book let me down this much. Reading this was more disappointing then reading Harry Potter and the fucking Cursed Child. I am as disappointed as possible, and if it wasn’t for my ‚objective‘ rating system, then I would’ve given this one star. Because I expected so much more from this.

Lmao, I can’t even count the ridiculous plot conveniences. This read like anti-fanfiction: everything I didn’t want in this book WAS IN THE BOOK.
If you want to know more details, check out my Booktube review, but basically, my biggest issue was that EVERYONE was in the book. And I do not like that one bit. If you write a ‚happily ever after‘ for characters we’ve followed for three books, then let them have that happily ever after.
Dialogue 3
Setting 3
Characters 2
Writing Style 3
Plot 1

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3 Kommentare zu „Review: RULE OF WOLVES (KING OF SCARS #2) by Leigh Bardugo

  1. Why did I read this?? 🙈 Now I’m even more scared of picking up Rule of Wolves, and after King of Scars, ny expectations weren’t exorbitant anyway 😅 Still, maybe now that you’ve lowered my expectations, I will actually enjoy it more 🤣 I just can’t imagine anything that could possibly we worst than Cursed Child…
    But either way, I’m looking forward to checking out that BookTube rant once I’ve read the book myself! 😁

    Gefällt 2 Personen

      1. Hahaha, well, I think I’ll stay on the safe side and watch the whole thing after reading the book, then. After all, judging by this review, I’ll probably be in dire need of a rant 😁

        Gefällt 1 Person

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